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  •   Sono molto felice di aver esposto i miei acquerelli, stampati su pannelli, in occasione di una mostra a Castellazzo Bormida. La mostra s’intitola Cartoline illustrate e racconta attraverso collages di vecchie cartoline di Castellazzo e miei acquerelli, la storia del paese. E’ stato bellissimo far rivivere attraverso il disegno delle storie passate. Grazie al sindaco, all’assessore alla cultura e […]

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  • It is on line my solo-exhibition at Galleria Gamondio, in Castellazzo Bormida. I prepared 11 watercolor and collage fashion illustration, in a sort of magic tour in old town. The artworks are in black and white, only the models are colored, because I would suggest an old spy story atmosphere… The women are moving around, looking for the past and […]

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  • Very excited for the solo exhibition I’ll have at Galleria Gamondio, in Castellazzo Bormida, a town that is very passionate to art and illustration. Galleria Gamondio had many illustrator exhibitions,  for example of Sergio Toppi, Ivo Milazzo and Riccardo Guasco. I’ll have for the moment a on line exhibition, for the current situation, but we hope to have a real […]

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